Inner Transformation: Dream Coaching, EFT Tapping, Numerology & Your Chakra System
My goal is to inspire, empower and awaken you to your true essence and self-worth … to embrace the unique beauty that is already within you so you can live a purpose-filled, passionate life.
Using either Dream Coaching, EFT/Tapping, Getting Thru Techniques, Numerology, Your Chakra System and/or other healing modalities, together we will work on bringing out your inner beauty that may be lying dormant due to past traumas, toxic relationships or childhood beliefs that are no longer serving you.
Choose a healing modality below that resonates with you and we will begin your transformational process!
Dream Coaching | EFT/Tapping | Getting Thru | Numerology | Your Chakra System
The Dream Coaching 10-Step Process

I had the privilege of being personally trained and certified by Marcia Wieder, CEO and Founder of Dream University®. The Dream Coaching 10 step process is a content specific program designed to coach individuals or organizations in attaining their dreams. What makes the Dream Coaching Program® so unique is that it is specifically designed to help people find, create and realize their dreams.
It is a simple, soulful, heartfelt, yet potent holistic process that can be used to help people in just about every area of life: personal, professional, relationships, health & well-being, financial, spiritual, community and fun. It is a step by step process that is sequential in nature with each session building upon one another. Each of the following 10 steps/sessions are covered in great depth and detail, and with your active and authentic participation, and my sincere guidance and intuition, we will create the necessary atmosphere for manifesting your dream.
Introduction Process
Session 1 – Set an Intention
Session 2 – Integrity – The Key to Manifestation
Session 3 – Live On Purpose
Session 4 – Access Your Dreamer
Session 5 – Learn From Your Doubter
Session 6 – Believe In Your Dreams
Session 7 – Failure Can Lead to Success
Session 8 – Take Serious Steps Forward
Session 9 – Building Your Dream Team
Session 10 -Live As A Dreamer
Integration Process
This program will assist you in:
- Provide you with a step-by-step process for connecting you to your life’s purpose and passion;
- Teach you how to create new dreams and make major life changes;
- Reveal and clear the obstacles that tend to sabotage dreams, including time and money issues;
- Provide you with a blueprint, strategies and tactics for producing results, along with accountability for success;
- Help you create and develop personal practices for becoming more effective in all areas of life;
- Teach you how to create a Dream Team (support system).
12- 60 minute Dream Coaching sessions, 1 session a week, over a three month time frame (time frame is negotiable, once a week is preferable for best results). These sessions can take place in person, or over Skype, or via telephone. The introduction session is used to discuss your specific, desired dream, and outcome for the program. The final session is the integration process, used to provide closure to the program and to recap on all that was accomplished in the achievement of your dream.
Dream Coach Workbook included with shipping and handling
Each session will also include EFT and other transformational healing techniques such as NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis.
Skin Care and Make-up consultation and coaching.
› Contact me today to discover how dream coaching can make a positive impact on your inner beauty.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)/ Tapping

“Properly done, this frequently reduces the therapeutic process from months or years down to hours or minutes. And, since emotional stress can contribute to pain, disease and physical ailments, we often find that EFT provides astonishing physical relief.” Gary Craig
Tapping works extremely well for any type of emotional stress and often works where nothing else will, producing rapid, gentle, and long lasting results and no drugs are equipment are needed. Since emotions impact every area of our life Tapping helps with many emotions:
- Stress and Anxiety
- Anger and Frustration
- Depression
- All kinds of Fears and Phobias
- Negative/Painful Memories and Inner Child Issues
- Self-Doubt, Low Self-Worth, Love Pain
- Procrastination and Indecisiveness
- Guilt, Grief, Trauma, PTSD, Loss, and just about any other emotion imaginable , including those yucky, icky, awful feelings that you can’t even find a name for.
EFT is not limited to releasing painful emotions. It can also improve your health in the following areas:
- Addictive Cravings: food, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, sugar
- Pain Management/Relief and Physical Healing
- Overcome Insomnia
- Children’s Issues: bed wetting, nightmares, nail biting
- Increase your overall Well-Being, Confidence, Concentration and Relaxation
Tapping has been used as a healing modality for the last 30 years and an estimated 10 million people use it today with incredible results. It is a simple tool that takes minutes to implement, and the beautiful thing is it can be done anywhere at any time.
I recommend, at minimum, a series of 5 or more for best and lasting results. Once you incorporate Tapping into your spiritual healing tool kit, you will find that it opens up many closed doors and locked memories and emotions that are ready to exit your energy field.
After 5 sessions you will be able to monitor your emotions easier, and you will feel confident and adept at using Tapping independently to reduce the effects of any negative emotion stopping you from shining in your true essence.
All sessions can be done in person, over Skype, or via the telephone.
› Contact me today to radiate in your true inner and outer beauty through tapping.
Going Deeper with The Getting Thru Techniques (GTT)

EFT and other meridian therapies can yield extremely quick results in many cases. However, some deep rooted issues can take regular, persistent tapping and more of a Holistic Approach to fully resolve. Due to the fact that some issues are more complex and layered and have more aspects to them. Also, a person may not consciously be aware of the key aspects of a problem initially. Like the skin of an onion, where it takes time to successfully remove each layer in order to arrive at the core. In this case the core of an issue.
The GTT can benefit an individual who is still struggling with unwanted behaviors or deep rooted emotions even after several EFT sessions. Getting to the root of a complex issue is essential in order to disintegrate its negative charge or effect with efficiency. Another obstacle to EFT’s effectiveness is the Psychological Reversal (counter-belief). Psychological Reversal is an unconscious or partly conscious belief that runs counter to our conscious desire to get well, and can often sabotage our efforts of healing. Psychological Reversal is present approximately 50% of the time. So, we address it every time we engage in a Tapping session.
EFT will not work as effectively if a strong counter-belief is still being held. If EFT alone is not providing you with the results that you want, or if you just want to simply understand the problem at a deeper level. Then the GTT are for you. Being aware of core issues and the possibility of Reversals are important components to the healing process. Their proper treatment can increase the EFT success rate dramatically. If you feel like this may be something that you are experiencing, rest assured. The Getting Thru Techniques will be the proper healing modality for you.
The GTT reach into the heart of Holistic Healing. These processes will bring greater awareness to what is happening in the recesses of your unconscious mind, while integrating the changes that occur. In order to eliminate the stronghold that deep rooted issues and negative emotions can have on you and your life. The GTT encompass all levels of healing: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Mental and will provide you with a deeper level of understanding and healing. These processes involve guided visualization, NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosis, muscle testing, and EFT/Tapping.
The Holistic Process:
This process will provide you with a deeper understanding of any issue, along with a deeper level of healing. The Holistic Process is particularly effective with physical problems, as it helps to identify the emotional, mental and spiritual components of the problem.
The Unification Process
This process provides a deep level of healing that relies heavily on the use of visualization. This process can bring greater understanding to any problem. It allows you to reconnect with a fragmented or wounded part of yourself, and assists you in re-unifying him or her with the Ideal Self. In revealing the fragmented or wounded parts of ourselves and our subpersonalities, the unconscious mind is able to express itself thru symbolic images.
Where each part has a unique story to tell or express, and an issue that needs resolution in order to return to wholeness. This process is particularly helpful in providing you with lasting images that you can use to assist yourself in the future and to monitor the healing process.
The Break Thru Process
This process can help you to make the decision to break through limitations that have been preventing you from achieving all that you want in any aspect of your life. However, you need to go thru the Unification Process first because the first step in any process that involves making lasting changes. Is to address the levels of healing and the subpersonalities connected with a problem.
Once this groundwork is done, you truly have to decide that it is time to make the change. This is the whole purpose of this process; to use it to literally break through any limitation in your life, or to change any bad habit or pattern of behavior.
The Reframing Process
This process helps to change any negative memory or image that runs through your mind into a positive one. Due to the fact that the unconscious mind records experiences in its own way. Traumatic experiences often surface the most easily. This process is particularly useful for changing the painful images related to death or difficult experiences.
› Contact me today to discuss which EFT technique is best for you.
The Blueprint of Your Soul, Numerology Chart

What is Numerology and Why is it Beneficial?
Numerology is the study of the symbolism and energetic vibrations of both your name and your date of birth. The Blueprint of Your Soul Numerology Chart can assist you in identifying your Soul purpose, your karma, lessons and challenges, and just what kind of life you were destined to live from the moment you were born.
It reflects upon the set of events, experiences and occurrences that take place in your life, not only referring to future events, but it also encompasses the events that have been part of your past. It is used as a tool to determine a person’s personality, one’s strengths and talents, weaknesses and obstacles, inner needs, emotional reactions and strategies for dealing with others.
Whether you use numerology to: examine your life, take advantage of your innate opportunities, confirm your talents, or to simply figure out where to go next. Numerology can be a life affirming tool that gives you a blueprint for better understanding yourself and those around you. The Blueprint of Your Soul Numerology Chart provides you with the whole picture, revealing all the diverse parts of your personality and that have come together to create the person you are, and have always known yourself to be.
Your Blueprint Soul Numerology Chart provides you with in depth information that will assist you in learning how to direct your life to its fullest potential. With this type of insight you can begin to feel happy, fulfilled and content; realizing you can live the life you were born to live. The life that has always resonated in your soul, versus the life you may currently be living that has always felt like an ideal of something or someone else’s.
How Numerology Works
Everything in the universe is made of energy and has energy around it, and therefore vibrates with its own particular frequency, including you. You were born according to specific energies that accumulated the moment you were incarnated. According to the principles of numerology, these energies are defined by your name and your date of birth as the basic data. By going thru several calculations one can determine and investigate their major frequencies.
After a numerological analysis of several calculated frequencies you are provided with significant information for your life on this plane and at this specific time. Your life at this time is not a coincidence. Your date of birth and your given name were planned out for you in order for you to learn and grow through experiences – so that your soul can achieve the greatest degree of evolution possible. That is why we really are beautiful, unique individuals with beautiful, unique purpose.
(Ghabi, 2010)
› Contact me today to discuss your personalized numerology chart.
Your Chakra System

Being aware of the information, (signs, symbols, messages) contained in your Chakra System plays a significant role in better understanding your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. The 7 Chakra spinning wheels of energy blend your life-force energy with your physical energy. They play a vital role in keeping our mind, thoughts, emotions, spiritual and physical bodies in a state of harmony and balance. These energy centers are located on and around your body and contain relevant information about you and your present-day life and reality.
Our experiences, old stagnate energy, trauma, thoughts and our attitudes can, and do cause imbalances or blocks in our Chakra System. This is especially true for individuals who are influenced more so, by negative emotions and/ or circumstances. They are more prone to have completely blocked, partially blocked or closed Chakras. All of our thoughts, expressions, feelings, senses and insights, are associated with the seven major Chakras. Each of which, are located in a specific area, have a specific name and a specific set of functions. They regulate the energy flow throughout our bodies and also govern the seven major endocrine glands which also spread into various parts of our physical bodies.
(Chakra Chart from
The Benefits of an Energy Scan and Energy Clearing
An Energy Scan is an amazing way to understand issues or challenges that you may be experiencing, whether they are of a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual nature. During a scan, vital information related to what needs to be addressed becomes apparent so we can then transmute what is no longer serving you. Your energy is always in motion and therefore your Chakras. So, it is good to be consciously connected to them on an on-going basis.
Many of our issues and challenges originate from blocked energy and memories within the Chakra System. Over time, these issues and challenges can develop into patterns, which in turn can lead to further blockage. When healing from any type of negative experience or condition, it is highly beneficial to release the stagnant energy that can at times, be the root cause of it. During an Energy Clearing and Healing we transmute the stagnant energy at its core and bring it to the light, so it can be replaced and reframed with empowering emotions and thought patterns. This is achieved through EFT/Tapping and channelled prayer. By gaining awareness through an Energy Scan, you can begin to clear away and transmute the blocked energy that is not serving your highest purpose and potential. This new insight assists you in making the necessary changes for: improved physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health & well-being AND for richer, personal and professional relationships and financial success.
With clearer Chakras, you can more readily realize the abundance that is all around you! You will:
- be more in-touch with your feelings and creativity;
- have greater capacity to access your personal power;
- become more willing to fully give and receive love;
- be more open to express yourself and communicate freely;
- gain an inner understanding of your being and the world that you live in;
- become more connected to your higher self; and
- feel an internal harmony and connection to your present-life experiences.
(Beautiful Chakra artwork by Artist Amina Re)
› Contact me today to discuss how we can clear your chakra system.