Are You Using the Energy of This Powerful ‘8 Universal Year’?

life wheelAre you using the energy of this powerful ‘8 Universal Year’ to create more success and balance in your life? If not, read on…

So you may be wondering what does an 8 Universal Year in Numerology mean exactly? It simply means that all of the numbers within the year 2015 added up together = 8. Therefore, an 8 Universal year is creating a specific energy that the entire world is feeling during this calendar year. Also, we all have a personal year that we are in, which contributes to the energies we are feeling. You can always contact me for more information regarding what personal year you are currently in. For now, I am focusing on the powerful energy of an 8 Universal Year. The energy of 2015 is a very intense energy that will amplify everything in our lives. The number 8 is known for its connection to money, power and recognition. Unlike the energy that swirled around last year causing you to want to retreat more inward. This energy is saying, “come out, be seen and be heard!” Basically, this energy is invoking you to bring forth anything that you have been dreaming about creating, selling, producing, birthing, or whatever it may be that you have already started. Bring it forth now, so you can achieve personal satisfaction and recognition and reap the financial benefits that are available to you.

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Inner Transformation: Reflect by Connecting with Nature

Connecting with Nature - AutumnReflect, ponder, pray, meditate, walk, take time for yourself and affirm all the goodness around you and in your life by connecting with nature. I must say walking and connecting with nature is one of my favorite things to do to nourish my soul. It is definitely the best medicine for me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Taking five, ten, twenty minutes, whatever window of time you have to connect with nature can make a huge impact on how you feel on every level, and how you view life.

Physically, it feels good to get your body moving, your blood pumping and flowing thru your body and arousing all of the trillions of cells that comprise it. It is so beneficial to recognize your body as a wondrous and magnificent machine and to appreciate it by moving it and affirming it. I know sometimes I take my body for granted, not really considering all that it does for me every second of every day. When I get out and move and walk in nature I love to take time to affirm how blessed I am to be able to walk, stretch and breathe in all of the goodness that surrounds me.

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